“I’m the boss of me!” Have you ever heard your child say these words? I bet you have…and probably with an attitude mixed in! These words can trigger a power struggle in many families as parents’ automatic first thought is often, “Oh no you’re not!” But what if your answer was…. “You’re right! You are the boss of you.” BAM No power struggle … …and a huge teachable moment! All people like to feel powerful and in control – even kids. Children often feel like victims in their lives because they see grownups as having all of the power – their parents tell them what to do; their teachers tell them what to do; their coaches tell them what to do. Teaching your kids how to be the boss of themselves enables them to step into their power, enhance their self-esteem, and build self-co...
Hi my is Jahseen I am the founder of TEN. Welcome to TEN (Transform, Empower and Nurture). This is a BLOG that shares tips and strategies for parents of children with special educational needs and gives them the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, reach their full potential and make a positive impact in their communities. To access additional resources or to contact Jahseen, go to www.Tenyourmind.com. Or go to Coachjahseen.com. Thank you for visiting us